Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy stimulates your body’s internal healing response using platelets and growth factors from your own blood. The physicians at Two Rivers Integrative Medicine in Roseburg, Oregon, use PRP injections to treat a wide range of problems and concerns from skin (aesthetic) or muscle and skeletal conditions (orthopedic). Call the office or use our online booking to arrange your PRP injections consultation today.

Studies on PRP injections have exploded over the last decade as a result of its wide range of potential uses.  Today, PRP often helps men and women find natural solutions to acute pain, chronic pain, or even aesthetic problems like hair loss.

What kind of conditions do PRP injections treat?

The doctors at Two Rivers Integrative Medicine use PRP injections in many different situations, including:

  • Acute joint injuries
  • Chronic joint pain
  • Chronic headaches
  • Arthritis
  • Knee pain
  • Torn meniscus
  • Wrist and hand pain
  • Low back pain
  • Sacroiliac joint pain (acute or chronic)
  • Degenerative Joint and Disc Disease (DJD)
  • Rotator Cuff Injuries
  • Labral Tears (shoulder and hip)
  • Sprained ankles
  • Tennis/Golfer’s Elbow
  • Unstable Joints
  • Hair loss
  • Aging skin

Why receive PRP injections at Two Rivers?

Technique:  Your PRP is concentrated and prepared using an Emcyte PurePRP double-spin PRP kit system. This system has demonstrated 80% platelet recovery rates in third party testing, higher platelet levels that other leading PRP kits. This allows for highly effective PRP injections for our patients. 

Sterile prep: We use a laminar flow hood to ensure sterility and minimize risk of contamination before re-injecting.

Accuracy:  Ultrasound guidance is used for precise needle placement for most orthopedic injections.

Comprehensive Treatments: We offer comprehensive treatments to treat entire regions resulting in better longterm outcomes for our patients.

Schedule with Two Rivers’ PRP Specialist:

(Regenerative and Aesthetic Medicine Specialist)

FAQs: Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

PRP is a minimally processed extract of your own blood, providing a concentrated source of platelets. These platelets play a major role in the early stages of healing after an injury, so a large dose of them in a specific area can speed healing in a recent injury, re-start a healing response in an old injury, or balance an inflammatory response in chronic conditions such as arthritis. Ultimately, PRP can help promote healing and reduce inflammation.

For PRP injections, your doctor takes a blood sample from your arm. Then, they place the blood in a centrifuge that separates the platelets from the other blood layers*. The final PRP product is then concentrated under sterile conditions* to minimize risk of contamination. The PRP solution is then injected where needed.

*For those doing their research, we use a double spin technique, with sterile preparation under a laminar flow hood.

Injections can be uncomfortable, however anesthetic like lidocaine is used to decrease pain levels. Pain can vary by regions of injection but is often quite manageable for most individuals and often passes quickly after treatment. The focus of Dr. Norris is safe and effective injections that includes attention to reducing pain with skilled injections. Following injections, Tylenol can be used to manage any pain. Anti-inflammatory medications, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, will suppress the proper healing response and are not recommended following Prolotherapy injections.

The number of treatments that will be needed depends on the type of condition, severity, and overall health of the individual to support an optimal healing response.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP): The average number of treatments is 2-4 treatments. We find that one PRP treatment is equal to roughly 3 prolotherapy treatments. Treatment outcomes are dependent on the health of the individual’s platelets. Each patient will have a different level of health resulting in varying outcomes between patients.

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Severely herniated disks
  • Chronic myofascial pain syndromes
  • Central spinal stenosis
  • Complete rotator cuff tears
  • Frank surgical conditions
  • Pain from cancer
  • Pain from autoimmune disease

When ligaments and tendons are stretched they cause pain. Regenerative Injection Therapies, including Prolotherapy and PRP, helps to reduce ligament laxity and repair cartilage, collagen and regenerate the joint to reduce ligament laxity and reduce pain.

Simply put, these therapies help to regenerate the tissues.

Cortisone is temporary and damaging to the tissues. Cortisone short term reduces inflammation but long term it disintegrate or breaks down the joint tissues. Many of you out there have failed to get long term relief from cortisone injections and know the damaging effects of these injections.

Prolotherapy and PRP depend on the body’s ability to heal the injured tissues. The injections act as the source of stimulation for the healing process to occur. If someone’s health is overburdened with inflammation, hormone imbalances, chronic disease, or nutritional deficiencies the body will not be able to respond to the injections as well.

We highly encourage that patients optimize their health prior to seeking Regenerative Injection Therapies (RIT). If you are needing help starting this journey into better health, Dr. Norris can help navigate you to an appropriate physician to address your health concerns.

PRP is generally very safe and well-tolerated with most medications or most medical conditions. Platelet or bleeding disorders, patients on immunosuppressive medications, active cancer, or infection around the site to be treated are all situations when PRP injections are generally not used.

Anticoagulants (blood thinners such as warfarin/coumadin) interfere with platelet function and are relatively contraindicated. For certain patients, discontinuing these medications for a short time before and after treatment, with the prescribing physician’s knowledge and consent, may be an option to undergo treatment.

Dr. Carrie Norris ND, MSCP

Naturopathic Doctor

Dr. Carrie Norris is a licensed primary care physician and specializes in the treatment of chronic pain, joint conditions and menopause care. She received her doctorate in naturopathic medicine from the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) with honors in medical research in Portland, Oregon. She is specially trained and certified in regenerative medicine treatment approaches, including prolotherapy, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and perineural injections. She has received additional training and certification in the care of midlife women through the Menopause Society.

She grew up in the Umpqua Valley working on her family’s blueberry farm and admiring her father’s career as an emergency room and urgent care physician. She has followed in his footsteps as a leader in her own field, helping patients through the menopause transition and become pain-free through prolotherapy and other soft tissue injection therapies for joint pain. She is able to help people who are trying to prevent surgery, or who have run the course of conventional approaches without resolution of their symptoms. She and her husband are raising their two fabulous boys on the farm and teaching them to be healthy, kind, and hard working.

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